Tuesday, June 30, 2015


this past week we taught Togeg, Ali, francella and keioni, arvin and
linda, mike flowath, kayleen, maia, rita, carl, megan, yanrow, yinmed,
maria, wilma, shelma, velma, justina, jim, and.... I think thats
it...? Before every lesson we pray to invite the spirit. It's
interesting I've noticed that when I feel the spirit I get chills that
wrap around me from my spine to my extremities. It's kinda cool. I can
feel when I teach if it's just me trying to spit out words, and when
it's the holy ghost. When it is the holy ghost I can feel authority
behind my words. I don't need to stop and think of what I'm gonna say
next because it just comes I try to always teach this way because
well, it's the most effective way. If i was a pagan missionary... man
life would be rough.
hmmm answers to my prayers? well I think my biggest answer was the
language. In the packet it says to always pray in yapese, but it felt
empty to me I didn't feel like I was talking to God, plus the locals
always pray in their native language (woliean, chuukese, palaun...etc)
so i thought they would think I was fake if I prayed in Yapese. one
night I was super frustrated (sister T kinda nagged me about my
praying) so I went out on the tiny back balcony alone and prayed in
yapese that God would help me with the language. slowly as time passed
I learned. I can now understand people well enough to reply in short
sentences but thats all I need to share the gospel. :)
next question, I may not ever go to Guam again :/ they pulled sisters
off Saipan so now were the only island with no STL and they will
probably just skip over us :P no Fro yo for us :[
next I can't really pin point one BOM story. but often times we relate
ourselves to Alma and Amulek  because Alma was a totally foreign
missionary and Amulek was a local. They were together for a long time
and they suffered together. Finding the "isles of the sea" scripture
was cool we used that in a lot of lessons. Abinidi  was a power house
missionary Gotta look up to that guy. Ammon was pretty good with
knives I can relate to that ;)
well I hope this answers your questions kafel!

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