Sunday, February 8, 2015


#local dance #nature #Almost got in trouble with the chief because sister T is yapese and she wore makeup thus disrespecting the chief for which the punishment is having your hands tied up and being sent off island.  we went to see this dance with Moobpin. She told me I had to tie my hair in a low bun and not lift my knees off the ground when I sit or I was disrespecting the high class. whoo so much "local culture" to learn

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dear Sierra,
I am at the Yap library and This is literally the slowest internet I have ever experienced. (It will let me type at the speed of light though...hence my much typings.) I'm kinda pissed at dad for hitting that fox and not stopping to make sure it was dead. Please do me a favor and punch him in the face for me. (don't punch his shoulder blade. It's harder than it looks. ) It was weird to talk to non missionary palangis (tongan word for white people) Sister Nay just speed walked right up to us during Franks first lesson... awkward. she was all like " HI SISTERS!!!!" and we were slightly confused she told us she worked for the mtc. She asked me where I was from and I said Utah she just laughed and said she was from Mapleton. Then she turned to sister T and asked her making sure to articulate because she thought sister t was straight up from the islands. Sister T replied "um... I'm from Washington. All the while frank, maryalei, and her daughter maggie were just waiting for them to leave. It was funny because she turned to them and said " these girls have an important message to share! you should heed their words." Utahns are weird. Please do me a favor and write sister t a letter. since I've been here she hasn't gotten a thing. not even for christmas. I miss you guys and I miss quich quach and Jessie taking food from you politely. Gosgos (the dog that lives on our porch) takes food like a crazy mongwa. Last night we visited Moobpin. on Friday we actually had her kneel with us and pray with us. her "Husband" (long story short) is a major drinker and he is using all the money she had to support her and her daughter. We prayed for help how ever God was willing to send it. When we saw her last night he had been sober all weekend, and she was finally able to talk with his parents (they always shun her)miracles happen! I hope you keep on being an optimist and help lift everyone else up. Dey be down in da dumps. oh and share this email with everyone. this computer is so slow I've already gone over my hour :p